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A Petition to Fix Cranberry Hole Bridge

So many of her customers who’ve stopped to buy produce at Vickie’s Veggies this summer have complained to Vickie Littman about the still-closed Cranberry Hole Road bridge that she was inspired, she said last week, to start a petition.

Sep 5, 2024

Man Sues After Losing Coveted Main Beach Locker

An East Hampton Village resident has sued the village for revoking his permit to park in one of the lots at Main Beach and ordering him to clear out his locker at the Main Beach pavilion, claiming that the village violated both state and federal due process and equal protection laws.

Sep 5, 2024


After a public hearing two weeks ago on removing the nature preserve designation from the triangle at the intersection of Springs-Fireplace and Three Mile Harbor Roads in East Hampton, the town board is set to vote Thursday evening on a resolution concerning the future of the property.

Sep 5, 2024

East Hampton Town hopes a two-acre plot it bought last April — a dairy farm until 1959, home to cows that produced for a milk delivery business — will become a public park and community gathering space.

Sep 5, 2024

In Sagaponack residents continued last week to push back at plans to erect a 100-foot cell tower just south of Sagaponack Village Hall off Montauk Highway, with residents calling it an “eyesore” that cuts against village character and others raising concerns about the health effects of the 5G technology it would support.

Aug 29, 2024

The mud flat at the terminus of Cove Hollow Road in East Hampton Village is often occupied by Wilson’s snipe, a secretive bird of bogs; green-winged teal, killdeer, and greater yellowlegs. Somehow they favor this place, despite the presence of a 24-inch pipe that drains untreated stormwater into Georgica Cove.

Aug 29, 2024


Sax Player on the Rise

Sara Hanahan, a jazz saxophonist who tours nationwide and internationally, will perform with her quartet at the Parrish Art Museum.

Sep 5, 2024

Josh Kessler's career included antiques restoration and opening a recording studio before he found his niche as a sought-after master of piano restoration and tuning.

Sep 5, 2024

Guild Hall stays busy with a Paul Simon documentary from “American Masters,” a performance of a new work for solo piano, and its annual Garden as Art event.

Sep 5, 2024

Michael Light's large-scale photographs range from the gardens of Madoo to nude human statuary to distressed landscapes on Napeague and Stony Hill.

Sep 5, 2024


Love the Whales? Thank the Bunker

If 2023 was the year of the shark on the South Fork, with multiple sightings leading to frequent temporary beach closings, 2024 seems to be the year of the whale. Last week, for the first time ever, “we had to pull people out of the water to let a whale pass. It was only 20 feet offshore,” said Drew Smith, the head lifeguard for East Hampton Village.

Sep 5, 2024

A Bad Year for Bald Eagles and Their Nests

In March, a dead bald eagle was found below a nest in Montauk County Park, a victim of rodenticide. Another nest at the edge of Georgica Pond in East Hampton was lost when the pitch pine it was built in was removed because it had been killed by a southern pine beetle infestation.

Sep 5, 2024

Kayla Kearney Comes Home

Friends and community members lined the sides of Springs-Fireplace Road last week to greet Kayla Kearney and her family as they made their way home from the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in New Jersey. The last eight months have been filled with surgeries, treatments, and physical therapy for Ms. Kearney, who in January was diagnosed with a type of neuroendocrine tumor that attaches to the blood vessels.

Sep 5, 2024


News for Foodies 09.05.24

Pizza with a view is now an option on Fridays and Saturdays at Cedar Point Park, and Amagansett's Jim Lubetkin takes home a slew of prize ribbons at the New York State Fair.

Sep 5, 2024

Art of Eating on the Road

Art of Eating's food truck is now available for off-premises events, including weddings, birthday parties, and more.

Aug 29, 2024

Smokey Buns Is Here All Year

Smokey Buns in East Hampton offers smashburgers, fishwiches, chili, and much more at very affordable prices, not to mention over 50 bourbons and whiskeys.

Aug 29, 2024