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Whale Too Far Gone to Learn Cause of Death

After a dead humpback whale was found floating six miles off Montauk on July 24, scientists from the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society are seeking to pinpoint the cause of death.

“It’s pretty inconclusive what we’ve found so far,” said Robert DiGiovanni, the founder and chief scientist of the conservation society, which conducted a necropsy of the animal on Friday on a cordoned-off portion of Montauk’s Umbrella Beach. “The whale was severely decomposed so we didn’t really find a lot of internal organs,” said Mr. DiGiovanni.

Aug 1, 2019
No One in Charge of Handicapped Parking on State Roads

For years, drivers with handicapped placards have favored a space for easy access to the library and Guild Hall across the street. Now, suddenly, the Handicapped Parking sign was no longer there.

Aug 1, 2019
Dead Humpback Whale Found Off Montauk

The whale was towed to a beach in Montauk where the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society will perform a necropsy.

Jul 26, 2019
Explosion of the Steamship Fulton

Item of the Week From the East Hampton Library Long Island Collection

Jul 25, 2019
Dominy Shops Will Rise From the Dust

The newly restored Dominy family woodworking and clock shops will return to their original site on North Main Street soon after Labor Day, said Robert Hefner, East Hampton Village’s director of historic services, who is supervising their restoration, as well as the reconstruction of the Dominys’ timber-frame house, which will serve as an adjacent exhibition space.

Jul 25, 2019
Of Whales and Fishing Nets

After a humpback whale was caught on July 15 in a fishing net off Town Line Beach in Sagaponack (and managed to free itself), and as several more have been seen feeding and breaching along East End shores this week, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is assessing whether fishing nets should be temporarily removed from coastal waters to prevent entanglements. 

Jul 25, 2019
New Lily Pond Lane Plan

The owners of an oceanfront property at 33 Lily Pond Lane, who are seeking permission to tear down a house in a coastal erosion hazard area and construct a new one, presented a drastically scaled-back plan for the property to the East Hampton Village Zoning Board of Appeals on July 12.

Jul 25, 2019
Montauk Lighthouse Tower Gets a Makeover

Visitors to the Montauk Lighthouse may not notice it yet, but a tower restoration expected to cost just shy of $1.1 million is in its early stages this summer, as the Montauk Historical Society committee that oversees the national historic landmark works to raise the money to complete the project by 2021.

Jul 25, 2019
On Leaf Blowers and Dogs

Several proposed laws, including one that would prohibit professional landscapers from using gas-powered leaf blowers from June 1 to Labor Day, will be considered by the East Hampton Village Board at hearings on Wednesday at 11 a.m.

Jul 25, 2019
Religious Vaccine Exemption Is Nixed

Parents who previously opted their children out of routine vaccinations for religious reasons will no longer be able to claim that exemption for school enrollment purposes come September.

Jul 25, 2019
Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Science Is Not ‘an Evil Empire’

Neil deGrasse Tyson, the decorated astrophysicist, author, and host of television shows and podcasts, has been credited with sparking public interest in science — and keeping people’s attention on it — over the last few decades. He will speak at the Spur in East Hampton Friday night.

Jul 25, 2019
High Bacteria Levels at South End of Lake Montauk

In its latest round of water testing results for the week of July 15, Concerned Citizens of Montauk identified East Creek at the south end of Lake Montauk as an area of serious concern. Water sampled there showed the highest levels of the bacteria enterococcus of any of the more than two dozen sites monitored by C.C.O.M.

Jul 19, 2019