The Greater East Hampton Education Foundation has extended the deadline for schools to submit applications for its mini grant program, which provides students with educational opportunities that fall outside school budgets. These programs target science and technology, environmental conservation, diversity and social interaction, literacy, music, and the arts. More than $128,000 in mini grants have been awarded to date.
"I think the challenge during Covid is that the teachers are so absorbed with doing the work of remote learning," said Larrilee Jemiola, co-chairwoman of the organization. She explained that typically the foundation gets many more applications during the year, "but it's really dropped off because of Covid" and because teachers have so much on their plate with going virtual.
Usually 10 to 14 applications are granted funding, but this year only three grants were given, including one to Rachel Kleinberg, the librarian at the Montauk School, who will use $1,844 to buy 180 Chromebook keyboard covers for students practicing typing.
Extending the deadline to Jan. 31, the organization is hoping to get more applications, Ms. Jemiola said.