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Police & Courts

Learning to Find Hidden Drugs

The discovery by East Hampton Village police of a large cache of marijuana reportedly concealed under the hood of a BMW during a routine traffic stop in May was the impetus for a day-long class for law enforcement officials on the variety of ways criminals conceal drugs, weapons, cash, and other contraband in a vehicle.

Conducted at East Hampton Village police headquarters on Friday by Jason Robles, a New York State trooper who freelances with Palestra Group International, the eight-hour course drew 71 law enforcement professionals from agencies as diverse as the East H

Jul 2, 2014
Quick Response, Bad Damage Nonetheless

The Springs Fire Department quickly extinguished a fire that was believed to have started on the exterior of a house in Springs on Tuesday evening, but the house was badly damaged, according to Chief Ben Miller.

A neighbor reported flames at 52 Cedar Drive, between Locust and Dogwood Drives, at 5:46 p.m., according to the chief.

Jul 2, 2014
Cop Hurt in Wainscott Chase

A Brooklyn man was arrested by East Hampton Village and Town officers Friday afternoon following a chase through the woods near Georgica Pond in Wainscott. A town officer, who suffered a knee injury during the pursuit, finally stopped the fleeing man by discharging his Taser.

Paul Freckleton, 25, who was riding a motorcycle, was first stopped by the village officer, near Georgica restaurant, where he is employed as a cook.

“One of our officers made a stop for passing on the right,” said Detective Lt. Anthony Long. Mr.

Jul 2, 2014
Town, Village May Share Emergency Dispatching

East Hampton Town and Village stand to save a combined $600,000 if an initial cost savings analysis about consolidating 911 dispatching services rings true.

That is why the municipalities are hoping to receive a $25,000 matching grant from the Local Government Efficiency program to help fund a more in-depth study, which will consider operational and cost impacts.

Jun 26, 2014
Falling Object Not a Body

An object falling from the sky brought out the East Hampton Town Marine Patrol to search for about an hour Tuesday evening near Gardiner’s Island. Ed Michels, the town harbormaster, said they received a call from a boater, who could not describe the falling object, except to say it was definitely not a body.

“We got the call about an hour before dark,” Mr. Michels said. “We used the whole Gardiner’s Island crew.” The search was called off after about an hour as the sun sank below the horizon.


Jun 26, 2014
One Cop, Two Cars, One Restaurant

One town police officer pulled over two cars driven by employees of the same Montauk restaurant on Sunday morning and arrested both drivers. One was charged with felony drunken driving, the other with driving with ability impaired by drugs.

Officer David E. Martin Jr. was in the parking lot of the Montauk train station a little before 11 a.m. when he saw a 2013 Nissan pull out of the lot by Ciao, a new restaurant where its driver, Matthew R. DiGirolomo, 22, of Whitestone, is employed as a waiter.

Jun 26, 2014
Ross Students Charged

East Hampton Village police arrested five Ross Upper School students on the evening of June 18 at the East Hampton Nature Trail, charging all five with possession of open containers of alcohol. One of the students, four of whom are foreign nationals, was charged with possession of marijuana. Because the five are all 17 or younger, police did not release their names.

Police were tipped off to the youths’ nightly activities by a video posted on Facebook.

Jun 26, 2014
On the Police Logs 06.26.14

East Hampton

A mailbox along Washington Avenue was reported stolen Friday morning. Bruce Bates said it had been removed from its post at the end of his driveway. It was later found on Indian Wells Beach.

East Hampton Village

A white-and-red 12-speed woman’s bicycle with black lettering was reported stolen from a Further Lane property.

Jun 26, 2014
Indictments in April 19 Crash

A woman charged with drunken driving after an early morning, single-car accident in Southampton Village on April 19 in which a Water Mill man died has been indicted by a Suffolk County grand jury on multiple felony charges, including vehicular manslaughter.

Allison Rydberg of Hampton Bays was arraigned Monday in Central Islip before acting Supreme Court Justice Fernando Camacho. The vehicular manslaughter charge was based on a police statement that her blood-alcohol content at the time of the accident was over .18 of 1 percent.


Jun 26, 2014
Brother, Sister . . . How Many?

Two Brooklyn siblings who had spent Sunday night in Montauk with a group of friends spent Monday morning in East Hampton Town Justice Court, where they were arraigned on charges of driving while intoxicated.

East Hampton Town police pulled over Harryson F. Gallegos, 25, at about 3:30 a.m. as he was headed west on Napeague, saying his 2003 Nissan S.U.V. had been speeding. His sister, Ashley M. Gallegos, 21, was in the car, along with a number of other passengers. Mr.

Jun 19, 2014
Sleeping Driver Suspected

An S.U.V. rolled over on the Napeague stretch of Montauk Highway, west of the Lobster Roll restaurant, on June 11, injuring the driver. The single-car accident happened at about 1:05 p.m.

The 20-year-old driver, Andy J. Amando, who said he had been wearing a seatbelt, was already out of his 2002 Mitsubishi when police arrived. He was conscious, but bleeding severely from his head, according to an East Hampton Town police accident report. 

The Amagansett Fire Department’s on-duty paramedic treated Mr.

Jun 19, 2014
Assault Alleged in Georgica Bar Incident

East Hampton Town police made several arrests over the past two weeks on violence-related charges, all of which resulted in court orders of protection for the alleged victims.

A Southampton man who was convicted of a felony drug charge earlier this year but has yet to be sentenced, and who is facing a second felony charge as well, was arrested Tuesday afternoon on yet another felony count, assault with a weapon.

According to Maggie Bopp, the assistant district attorney representing the county during the arraignment of Gabriel L.

Jun 19, 2014