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After 22 Decorated Years, Sergeant Johnson Retires

“Barry embodied community policing and was a mentor to many officers,” Police Chief Michael Sarlo posted on the East Hampton Town Police Department’s Facebook page following a ceremonial walkout, in which his fellow officers from both the town police and the Fire Department saluted him. “His work ethic and dedication will be greatly missed by the department and the citizens he served.”

He Had a Yen for the High Life

A homeless man who fled after being surprised inside an East Hampton Village house on Friday night afterward broke in to a private beach cabana at the Maidstone Club, village police reported.

Detective Lt. Tony Long said a couple arrived at their Maidstone Lane house at about 9:40 p.m. to find a man inside. It appeared he had been staying there and was startled by the homeowners’ arrival. He ran off before they called 911.