Night Out With Peter Spacek

The East Hampton Star’s cartoonist, Peter Spacek, will “spill the beans on any dirty little cartooning secrets” during a Golden Eagle-Nick and Toni’s Night Out on Wednesday. For several years, the North Main Street art shop has organized an off-season series in which artists talk about their work or lead a hands-on workshop, followed by dinner at the restaurant, which is next door.
Mr. Spacek was raised on the West Coast and moved to New York after graduating from art school, ending up in Montauk because of the waves. Aside from his weekly editorial cartoon in The Star, he has done illustrations for many major magazines and publishers. As a fine artist, his forms include scrimshaw on discarded surfboard fragments and pocketknives, as well as work intended for wall display that uses several mediums.
He plans to speak Wednesday about his journey from obsessive childhood drawing to making a living with pen and paper. He will also explain how he goes from idea sketches and surfing travel journals to finished cartoons and illustrations. He will cover the process he uses, which includes tracing rough ideas on a light box with inks and washes, then, when needed, “fixing and tweaking sub-par drawings on the computer in Photoshop,” he said.
“Accepting the challenge to create a cartoon every week for The East Hampton Star has brought me back to my drawing roots and revealed perhaps my greatest strengths, and now defines me in this community,” Mr. Spacek said.
The cost for the entire evening, including a two-course meal, tax, and tip is $75 per person. Advance registration at the shop or online at has been requested by noon Monday.