No Estimate Yet on Village Clean-Up Cost
The Hurricane Sandy cleanup is estimated to cost East Hampton Village “considerably more” than the $200,000 Hurricane Irene did a year ago, according to Larry Cantwell, the village administrator.
Mr. Cantwell blamed pavilion damage at Main Beach, buckled surfaces in the parking lot at Georgica Beach, and more downed trees than in last year’s storm. The confluence of a full moon, high tide, and winds in excess of 70 miles per hour contributed to the ocean’s surge over parking lots at Georgica, Wiborg, and Main beaches.
Sandy caused “severe erosion” along the ocean, said Mr. Cantwell, but the village will rely on nature to renew the beaches. Inland, no landmarks or significant structures were harmed.
Mayor Paul F. Rickenbach Jr. declared a state of emergency within the village from noon Saturday to today, calling for voluntary evacuation and enlisting the help of the American Red Cross to operate a shelter at East Hampton High School. The shelter opened at 8 a.m. Sunday and at its peak housed more than 100 people.