Personal Bests in Maryland
Twenty-four members of the Y.M.C.A.’s youth swim team, the Hurricanes, coached by Tom Cohill, competed this past weekend in a large regional meet at the University of Maryland.
The group, which left by bus from the Y at 6:30 a.m. Friday and returned late Sunday night, comprised Georgie Bogetti, Thomas, Christian, and Julia Brierley, Trevor Mott, Alex Astilean, Olivia Brabant, Teague Costello, Noelle Capone, Cecilia de Havenon, Chasen Dubs, Jack and Ryan Duryea, Madison Jones, Skye Marigold, Darcy McFarland, Lilah Minetree, Caroline Oakland, Liana Paradiso, Evelyn and Maggie Purcell, Marikate Ryan, and Isabela and Sophia Swanson.
“Our kids ranged in age from 10 to 17, and everybody p.r.’d at some point during the weekend,” said Cohill. “There was a lot of tough competition — it was a fast, fast meet.”
Bogetti, he said, had qualified for the Y nationals in the 500 freestyle with a time of 5 minutes and 4 seconds. Mott’s 4:53 was a personal best in that event, as was Thomas Brierley’s 4:54.
“We’ve got eight to 10 weeks now before the Y state meet in Ithaca,” said Cohill, who added that a collection taken up on the bus before heading home had enabled Marikate Ryan, who had become ill, to fly home from Baltimore Monday morning.