Scout and Boo Return
“To Kill a Mockingbird” will return as Bay Street’s Literature Live! production in November. Public performances of the play will begin on Friday, Nov. 7, and will continue through the next three weekends on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition, some tickets for weekday performances, reserved for schools, will be offered based on availability.
Directed by Joe Minutillo, the play, based on the classic book by Harper Lee, was adapted for the stage by Christopher Sergel. It will feature a number of East End actors who have been seen in prior Bay Street programs. They include Chloe Dirksen, Cooki Winborn, Jemma Kosanke, Carolyn Popp, Rob DiSario, William Sturek, Jessica Mortellaro, Joe Pallister, Hudson Troy, Thomas Schiavoni, Scott Eck, Chauncey Thomas, and Al Bundonis.
Tickets are $25 for adults, free for all students. Information about availability can be found at