Unexpected Opportunity
The imminent closing of the Child Development Center of the Hamptons Charter School in East Hampton is a sad moment for an educational institution that provided an alternative public school and did great things for many kids and families. A note of hope can perhaps be found in the site itself, which belongs to East Hampton Town, and for which creative reuse opportunities are intriguing.
Because the C.D.C.H. building was constructed to be compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act, it might be readymade for use as a senior citizens center, particularly as the existing one on Springs-Fireplace Road in East Hampton is being rebuilt. Another idea might be for it to serve as an arts center, with low-rent studio space for professional artists and room for classes, workshops, and cooperative crafts spaces for dabblers. Converting it to affordable housing might be another idea, though pushback on that has been strenuous.
Perhaps it might instead be used as a business incubator with workspace for people just starting out or eager to move and expand a home operation. There are a range of tech and online professionals here who might benefit from an environment with opportunities to share ideas, skills, and even collaborate on new ventures. In this case, the property could be run at no net expense to the town and help stimulate new sectors of the local economy.
The possibilities are many. It is up to East Hampton Town officials to look beyond the obvious.