Yes Coming for Apartments
The East Hampton Village Zoning Board of Appeals is expected to approve a resolution next week allowing two affordable apartments to be built on the second-floor of a warehouse building on Lumber Lane.
Lumber Lane Associates’ application, which requires several variances, prompted the village board to take a closer look at off-street parking requirements as they relate to affordable housing. In January, the village board adopted a code amendment that eliminates a requirement that anyone who cannot provide mandated off-street parking pay a $10,000 fee per space into the village’s parking fund. The amendment allows the zoning board to waive that fee if property owners are creating affordable housing.
In the case of Lumber Lane Associates, the village’s attorney has worked out a draft of covenants and restrictions that would guarantee the apartments remain affordable in perpetuity.
“We’ve circulated a draft . . . to all the board members that seems to meet with everybody’s approval,” Linda Riley, the village attorney, told Andrew Goldstein, the board’s chairman. “The applicant is prepared to sign this. The thought would be that if you granted it, it would be conditioned upon them signing and recording this in the county clerk’s office prior to getting the building permit for the conversion.”
“Probably good to go,” said Mr. Goldstein, to which Ms. Riley said she would draft a determination for the board’s next meeting.
“I have reviewed the covenants. They need a little more work just to smooth it out, because we’ve made additions and revisions,” Pat Trunzo, a contractor and co-owner of the building, told the board. Mr. Trunzo’s two sons intend to live in the apartments.
“We hope you will see fit to grant the additional variances,” Mr. Trunzo said.
“We do,” Mr. Goldstein replied.