"Gather," an ongoing series of conversations featuring Black and Indigenous voices, co-produced by Guild Hall and Ma's House and B.I.P.O.C. Studio, will host Joshua Whitehead, an Indigenous writer from Canada, at BookHampton on Friday at 6 p.m. Mr. Whitehead will discuss his recent nonfiction book, "Making Love With the Land," with Joseph M. Pierce, a writer, scholar, and professor at Stony Brook University.
"Making Love With the Land" shows how both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples are finding old ways and creating new ones to connect with each other and their surroundings. A doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary, Mr. Whitehead studies Indigenous literatures and cultures, with a focus on gender and sexuality.
Upcoming programs will feature Candice Hopkins, Jeremy Dennis, and Wunetu Wequai Tarrant at Main Prospect in Southampton next Thursday, and Emily Johnson and IV Castellanos at Ma's House in Southampton on May 6.
Tickets to each program are $50, $45 for Guild Hall members.