So many of her customers who’ve stopped to buy produce at Vickie’s Veggies this summer have complained to Vickie Littman about the still-closed Cranberry Hole Road bridge that she was inspired, she said last week, to start a petition.
“They were frustrated that the [Metropolitan Transportation Authority] lacks a budget allocation for repairs and has not set a timeline for completion,” she said. “This closure affects the entire East Hampton Town community, and the M.T.A.’s inaction on bridge repairs is unacceptable.” (The M.T.A. owns the Long Island Rail Road, which says it owns the bridge.)
The bridge has been closed for repairs for over a year now. At the last meeting of the Amagansett Citizens Advisory Committee, residents of Abram’s Landing Road complained about traffic diversion from the closure, citing increased tie-ups and safety risks at the already dangerous train station intersection.
“Cranberry Hole Road is the only thru road serving the recreational and residential areas north of Montauk Highway along the entire four-plus mile stretch between the Amagansett railroad station and the Art Barge,” says the petition. “Travel time, road congestion, and most importantly emergency response time are all impaired by this closed route.”
The petition goes on to ask that East Hampton Town “commence legal action against the MTA” to reopen Cranberry Hole Road.
The Amagansett Citizens Advisory Committee has emailed copies to its members, asking that they print them out and circulate them around the hamlet. Completed petitions can be dropped off at the farm stand at 596 Montauk Highway. As of Monday, Ms. Littman’s original petition had 93 signatures.