Need help with grocery shopping, library access, transportation to doctor appointments, or household tasks? Here are several resources offered by East Hampton and Southampton Towns for senior citizens.
Senior Shopping Assistance
East Hampton Town, 631-324-4443
Did you know that East Hampton Town can assist older adults with grocery shopping? People 60 and up are eligible to receive help with ordering, shopping, unpacking, and other tasks.
House Repairs for Seniors
East Hampton Town, 631-329-6939
Southampton Town, 631-728-1235
For those who need assistance with household maintenance such as winterizing, painting, plumbing, or carpentry, both towns’ Residential Repair Program can help. Free or discounted services are available through county and state funding.
At-Home Library Access
East Hampton Library, 631-324-0222, extension 3
The library offers books and movies by mail for disabled or housebound adults who would like to check out these materials. Those living in the library district — East Hampton, Springs, and Wainscott — are eligible for this service. There’s also a “braille” library of more than 6,000 audio titles.
Southampton’s Senior Shuttle
Southampton Town, 631-728-1110
Southampton Town offers free rides for older adults who do not or cannot drive and need to access “essential services” such as doctor appointments, grocery shopping, and trips to the bank. Advance reservations are required at the phone number above.
Senior Citizen Discounts
Amagansett I.G.A., 631-267-3556
East Hampton I.G.A., 631-324-0529
Montauk I.G.A., 631-668-4929
Three local I.G.A. grocery stores offer a senior citizen discount on Tuesdays. Older adults can receive 10 percent off their groceries and household goods.