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The Mast Head: Black Cowboys

In the 19th century, as many as a quarter of cowboys were black.

Jun 11, 2020
Letter From the White House

The outside of the envelopes from the Internal Revenue Service say “Penalty for private use $300.” It looks for all the world as if the recipient is about to be audited. The stomach drops. But what is inside these letters, which reach 90 million Americans, seems a strange contrast with that message.

Jun 11, 2020
Gristmill: Life Without Cable

I pulled the plug on cable television at precisely the wrong time — as two national crises descended upon us.

Jun 11, 2020
Op-Ed: We Attended the Chicago Protest at Trump Tower. Challenge the Coverage.

When the protesters arrived at Trump Tower, the tone shifted. We were met with scores of police officers in riot gear, batons out, looking, in our opinion, for a fight.

Jun 11, 2020
Fleming for Congress

There are times when voters are faced with a critical choice. This is one of those times.

Jun 11, 2020
Point of View: We’re Here!

A real estate broker once told us that we didn’t want to live in “The Corridor,” but now, with all the beautifying work going on at practically every house in the neighborhood save ours, I feel blessed to be living within it.

Jun 11, 2020
The Mast Head: Like 1968 Only Worse

The obvious enthusiasm of some American police officers for violence amid peaceful protests may be among the most indelible images to come out of the nationwide demonstrations that have followed the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Jun 4, 2020
Gristmill: From a Minneapolis Rooftop

A report by Facebook from the George Floyd war zone.

Jun 4, 2020
Guestwords: Golf in the Time of Corona

The members of our Sag Harbor Women’s Golf League were happy to be out playing again but at the same time aware that unseen microbes could be emanating from flagpoles, cups, balls, and other people.

Jun 4, 2020
Point of View: On Viruses

All about us there’s suffering, and yet this neighborhood in which we live in Springs is beautiful, in full bloom and serene. It doesn’t get any better than this — here, that is.

Jun 4, 2020
Important Decisions for School District Voters

Though delayed and being conducted by absentee ballot, school board elections have arrived at last. The ballots are due back in district offices by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, so the time is now to mark them and get them in the mail.

Jun 4, 2020
The Mast-Head: Pandemic Pastime

Who would have thought when a pandemic hit the United States that instead of stocking up on guns, Americans went grocery shopping?

May 28, 2020