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The Summer We Wanted

Amid generally good compliance with the New York State Pause order, the Memorial Day holiday excesses were at a minimum.

May 28, 2020
Guestwords: Prepping for the Next Disaster

George W. Bush and Barack Obama both made use of a White House office to prepare for public health disasters. But when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the office was no longer functional, and valuable time was unnecessarily lost.

May 28, 2020
Where Did It Go?

Only in government would it make sense to take a working public service and place it completely on hold while developing a new one.

May 28, 2020
Point of View: Do I Wake?

Before the coronavirus became a round-the-clock night­mare, mine were confined to night­time.

May 28, 2020
Rapid Response

One remarkable success story in our response to the pandemic has been how swiftly and effectively eastern Long Island medical systems scaled up to meet the challenge.

May 28, 2020
The Mast-Head: Openings in Lockdown

Learn something new. Of all the thoughts I have heard or read on enduring the pandemic lockdown, this has been the best advice.

May 21, 2020
Mayoral Chess Game

Given the challenges East Hampton Village will encounter between now and the election, it made sense to name someone to fill the open position. But process matters.

May 21, 2020
Guestwords: The Baseball Blues

To some, spring means cleaning, courtship, or crocuses. To the baseball addict, though, spring is the end of that dark, languid void of silent suffering between October and April. Not this year.

May 21, 2020
Connections: A Blaze of Words

Memorial Day seems an appropriate time to bid farewell to a longtime pursuit — in this case, this: my weekly column, “Connections,” which has appeared in The East Hampton Star, come rain or come shine, come hell or come high water, since 1977.

May 21, 2020
Point of View: Get Me to the Courts on Time

I’m playing tennis in the morning,
Ding, dong, the balls all will be signed,
Pull out the hopper, let’s do it
But get me to the courts on time.

May 21, 2020
Crying Out for Crowd Control

The fact that we as a community have to contend with far more people than we can comfortably carry on our shoulders was made amply clear last week when the East Hampton Town Board dispatched a panicked letter begging the state to shut the door on tourist stays.

May 21, 2020
Guestwords: The Virus Is Us

When the pope suggested that the coronavirus might be the Earth’s response to the man-made climate crisis, was it magical thinking? Or was it a sound, even useful, metaphor.

May 14, 2020