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On the Police Logs

Fri, 09/04/2020 - 07:32

East Hampton Town

Kathleen Bouker's $25 "Trump 2020" magnet decal, stuck on her mailbox on Town Lane, was covered by black spray paint on the night of Aug. 23. 


East Hampton Village

Someone renting a house on Hither Lane was not happy that the landlord was showing it to others on the evening of Aug. 26. Police ascertained that there had been a misunderstanding about timing, and "both parties agreed to schedule better in the future."

Police spotted a vehicle driving on Georgica Beach without a sticker last week. The driver said he didn't know about needing a beach driving permit. He was let off with a warning.

A woman complained on Friday morning that there were girls on Main Beach smoking marijuana. The girls denied it, and there was no pot in evidence. 

 Handbills were being placed on cars in the Reutershan lot on Friday afternoon. Police reached someone who promised to contact her "East End team" and have them removed.

There was a noise complaint Saturday night about a Dunemere Road house. The homeowner told police he hadn't been aware that music was on, so it was no bother for him to turn it off. 



Ohany Garcia, who works at Tauk at Trails End, was in the staff room on the evening of Aug. 24 when his boss, Joel Valentin, came in, "mad about the smell of marijuana emanating from the room," according to the redacted police report. Mr. Garcia told police Mr. Valentin grabbed him and shoved him against a wall, and that he wanted the incident documented.

Someone wrote "black lives matter" with a black marker on the outside walls of the public restroom at Ditch Plain Beach on the night of Aug. 25. Parks Department workers have repaired the damage. 

More graffiti, this time spelling out "Gaza Strip," was found on Aug. 3 on a sign at the intersection of Fleming and Firestone Roads.

At Gosman's on Aug. 24, Vasilios Peikidis and Joshua Vanderborg had an argument that became physical, according to Mr. Peikidis, who told police that Mr. Vanderborg pushed him to the ground, causing him to hurt his knee. Mr. Vanderborg maintained that Mr. Peikidis had actually thrown something at him, but admitted pushing him, though he said it was because of the slippery wet floor that he fell.

Last Thursday afternoon, Joe Bloecker was disappointed to find someone had "purposefully" cut his red "2020 Trump" flag in half. The $20 flag was mounted on a wooden pole attached to the rear passenger side of his car, parked at 8 South Embassy Street.

Another "Trump 2020" flag, along with a "Blue Line" American flag in support of the police, were taken Friday night from David Schleifer's flagpole on Benson Drive. Security footage showed two people tampering with the pole around 1 a.m.

Vincent Conwell, the night security guard at the Wavecrest Resort, told police that around midnight Friday a black Lexus sport utility vehicle had barreled into the parking lot at high speed, refusing to stop even as Mr. Conwell waved a flashlight to slow him down. A verbal argument ensued and the driver allegedly shoved Mr. Conwell. According to the partly redacted report, the driver "felt [Mr. Conwell] was not a real security officer so he did not feel he had to show Conwell said parking permit." The two men were advised to have no further contact that night. 


Sag Harbor

Gary Siegler was stopped on Bay Street last week and ticketed for driving while using his cellphone.

A caller on the afternoon of Aug. 24 complained that another boat was using his mooring in the bay. The boat's operator said he had thought the mooring was for public use. He apologized and left the area.

Later that night, police spoke to "a man who had been in the fetal position for two hours" on Jermain Avenue. Found sleeping on a tarp, he said he was traveling from West Virginia, had nowhere to stay, and needed to lie down. He declined to give further information, but agreed to leave. 

Also that night, police were alerted to a possibly intoxicated man with an unleashed dog relieving itself on the wharf. The man was not found to be intoxicated. He explained to officers that he had a speech impediment due to complications of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and the dog was a service animal, which did, however, still need to be on its leash.

On the night of Aug. 14, two prospective patrons of Le Bilboquet,  angry that the manager would not let them in because the restaurant was full under Covid guidelines, called police and said there were 300 people inside. That assertion was swiftly disproven when officers did a walk-through.

Abraham Susser reported on Aug. 25 that his iPhone 11 Max Pro had been stolen while he was at Murf's Backstreet Tavern.

Around midnight that evening, the captains of a 90-foot yacht and an 88-foot yacht, docked at the Sag Harbor Yacht Club, reported thousands of dollars in damage after an unknown boat created "a huge wake" that pushed the yachts up against the dock.

Last Thursday, kids were seen milling about on a rooftop for the second consecutive week, this time at the Compass Real Estate building on Main Street. Police escorted two 16-year-olds and one 17-year-old adventurer off the roof at around midnight.

The owner of 33 Bluff Point Road, who has made a few calls this summer about possible trespassers, called again last Thursday night after seeing a man and a woman on her security camera footage. Police spoke with the pair and told the woman they were renters, which she confirmed was accurate and said they were permitted to be there.

Late last Thursday a report came in about candles burning in the closed store Le Page on Bluff Point Road. Police and firefighters gained access, extinguished the candles, and secured the door on their way out.

 A woman wandering around the hamlet occasioned a number of calls to police last week. Last Thursday night she was sitting under the overhang of the historical society, and told police she had "missed the bus," but it was close to midnight and service had ended for the day. She refused an offer of help from officers and walked away. On Friday morning, police found her sitting on a bench yelling for help, but when approached she said she was fine and needed no assistance.

At Tutto il Giorno on Friday afternoon, a child, luckily not allergic, was stung by a bee. Police applied an ice pack to the area.

"Lasers" were reported over the water later by a few anxious callers. They were in fact party strobe lights, and a Glover Street resident said he would shut them off immediately. 

On Sunday, a woman dropped her cellphone in a storm drain at 1 Wharf Street. Police retrieved it without incident.



Daniel Parker's white and blue Supiak paddleboard was last seen in May on the kayak rack at the end of Louse Point Road. He documented the theft on Aug. 25.


Ups and Downs in Annual Police Report

East Hampton Town police made fewer overall arrests last year, but more arrests for driving while intoxicated — another year that has led Chief Michael Sarlo to say that “we live in an extremely safe community.” 

Mar 13, 2025

On the Police Logs 03.13.25

Low-flying drones were reported flying over Deep Hollow Ranch on the evening of March 3. Police saw their lights blinking red and white, but no action was taken. 

Mar 13, 2025

Family Dog Perishes in East Hampton House Fire

A fire on Park Street in East Hampton early Saturday afternoon left extensive damage to a house and killed the family dog, East Hampton Fire Chief Duane Forrester said Monday. 

Mar 11, 2025

East Hampton Village Eyes Its Own Justice Court

East Hampton Village is exploring creating its own justice court that could be up and running at the Emergency Services Building on Cedar Street by next January.

Mar 6, 2025


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