Edward Francis White and Breanna Dawn Halbur of Arvada, Colo., were married on Sunday afternoon on the steps of the Denver City and County Building overlooking Civic Center Park, with the Hon. Renee A. Goble officiating.
They will have a wedding reception in East Hampton in June.
The groom’s parents, Silva White and Ellen Gibson White, split their time between Amagansett and Charleston, S.C. The bride’s parents are Lisa and Steve Hansen of Detroit Lakes, Minn.
Mr. White, who is known as Teddy, graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans and earned an M.B.A. from Denver University. He works in supply chain planning and management for a Denver food company. Ms. Halbur, who is called Bre, is in investor relations at a Denver investment company. She graduated from Bethel University in St. Paul.
The groom grew up overseas and spent every summer in Amagansett, where his grandmother Nina Gibson still lives. (She’ll turn 100 this year.)
The couple met through mutual friends in Denver. They are honeymooning in Thailand.