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Nearing the End on West End Road

How to say goodbye to a family house that has seen almost eight decades’ worth of life and love? Some might spend this melancholy time wandering through empty rooms, lost in thoughts. Ellie Duke had another idea, inviting the world to Tough Porch, her brainchild of a weekend held as a last hurrah at her family’s grand old summer “cottage” on Georgica Beach.

Jul 6, 2023
The Way It Was for July 6, 2023

Important poultry notes from 1898, and more ripped from the pages of Ye Olde Star.

Jul 6, 2023
Fireflies Are in Decline Here

The beloved firefly, or lightning bug, has suffered steep declines in recent years. The three biggest threats to lightning bugs, listed on, are habitat loss, landscape lighting, and pesticide use. In New York State there are about 15 species of fireflies that are commonly observed, but on Long Island, we now see only five.

Jul 6, 2023
Amagansett's Cranberry Hole Road Bridge Is Closed Again

Following an inspection, the New York State Department of Transportation and the Long Island Rail Road have closed the bridge at Cranberry Hole Road in Amagansett due to structural problems. It is the second closure of the bridge in less than two months.

Jul 3, 2023
Portuguese Man-o-War Spotted on Amagansett Beach

Be alert: Portuguese man-o-wars sport a transparent float that looks like a clear dumpling or empanada, below which dangle long stinging tentacles that can grow anywhere from 30 to 100 feet long. "If they're on the beach, then they're in the water," said the town's chief lifeguard, who guessed that the creatures came in with strong south swells associated with storms passing off the Island earlier in the week.

Jun 30, 2023
The Way It Was for June 29, 2023

A bike path lament in 1898 and neighborhood trouble for the record exec Tommy Mottola in 1998, plus more from The Star of yore.

Jun 29, 2023
Fireworks: Summer Begins With a Bang

Here on the East End, there are more than half a dozen fireworks shows happening over the next 10 days, and more planned later in July and in August. Here's where to see them.

Jun 28, 2023
Wind Farm Offshore Construction Underway

The South Fork Wind farm, New York State’s first offshore wind farm and the first utility-scale offshore project in the United States, has passed a milestone with installation of the first monopile foundation at the wind farm’s site, around 35 miles off Montauk Point.

Jun 28, 2023
‘My Dear Olga’: Dutch Resistance Comes to Life in Springs Attic

In the Springs house of John and Alice Marlin some 500 boxes of documents — the personal archive of his mother — bring to life the crushing, cruel realities of World War II and of living under a hostile occupying force.

Jun 28, 2023
Day Dripping at Gurney's

Do IV vitamin drips really boost your immune system and improve your looks? Our writer went to the NutriDrip IV Lounge at Gurney’s to find out, and her report gives the skinny on this wellness craze.

Jun 28, 2023
Item of the Week: Lucretia Fithian’s Sampler

This needlework sampler was stitched by Lucretia Fithian (1765-1815), probably between 1770 and 1780. Lucretia was one of nine children born to Capt. David Fithian (1723-1805) and Esther Conkling Fithian (1728-1800).

Jun 28, 2023
A Heart for a Fighter in Southampton

Edith Windsor, a Southampton summer resident for 40 years, started the fight that led to federally recognized marriages for same-sex couples, and on Monday — 10 years to the day since the Supreme Court ruled in her favor — Southampton Town dedicated a memorial to her: a brick platform in the shape of a heart, surrounded by a circle of diamond-shaped paving stones, where civil marriage ceremonies for people of all stripes can be performed.

Jun 28, 2023