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Indicted in Montauk Murder

Two weeks to the day after East Hampton Town’s first murder in a decade, Joseph A. Grippo, a 47-year-old with a criminal record, was arrested last Thursday in the killing of Robert Casado in Montauk’s Kirk Park.

Mr. Grippo lured Mr. Casado to the park, where he killed him with a pickax, all because they had the same love interest, Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy D. Sini said outside East Hampton Town Justice Court, where Mr. Grippo had been arraigned on a second-degree murder on Friday.

Democrats Treated to Lively Primary

A day after an East Hampton Democratic primary, voters could be forgiven for wondering what all the fuss was about. Candidates from what might be considered the old-line part of the party won with ease. In what appeared to be a very strong turnout for a down-ballot primary, the East Hampton Reform Democrats’ trustee challengers were defeated. The strength of an activated Democratic base could also be seen in Andrew Strong’s win over East Hampton Town Justice Lisa R. Rana, a Republican who had sought cross-endorsement.

Wrong Way Roundabout

Town officials edged close last week to fully allowing Stephen Hand’s Path in East Hampton to be turned into a major transit route. The modest two-lane road already serves as a bypass for drivers eager to skirt East Hampton Village, and for many, it is a faster or more direct route to and from their homes or workplaces in Northwest or Springs. This has led to backups at Cedar Street and hot tempers from residents who have to cope with speeding drivers and long waits to get safely out of their driveways.

The Mast-Head: While Away

Having been out of town all last week, I felt as if I needed some updates getting back to the East Coast. Joanie McDonell, who lives just up the beach from me, has been a faithful correspondent since I wrote in mid-spring about how it had been ages since I saw any toads or snakes around.

C.P.F. Take Is Down Again

In May, for the fifth month in a row, revenues for the Peconic Bay Region Community Preservation Fund were down from the same period last year. Thus far in 2019, $29.42 million has been collected, compared to $40.53 million in 2018, Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. announced on Monday.