New York State has $110 million available to fund community-based mobility and environmental initiatives. The money will support projects focusing on safety and accessibility in public transportation as part of the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ).
The programs will reimburse up to 80 percent of project costs; project sponsors will cover the remaining costs. Potential projects must be related to surface transportation and provide full access to the public. Options for initiatives include but are not limited to the improvement of pedestrian or bicycle paths, creation of multi-use paths, reduction of wildlife mortality caused by cars, improvement or creation of safe routes to schools, and construction of sidewalks accessible to the disabled.
Applications can be developed not only by municipalities but by any incorporated nonprofit, although private applications require a state agency or public authority that can distribute the TAP and Congestion Mitigation funds.
Applications will be evaluated based on public benefit, cost, geographic balance, and environmental concerns such as improvement of air quality and mitigation of greenhouse gases in marginalized communities. The New York State Department of Transportation will accept applications for projects through Sept. 29. Additional information and applications can be found at