Last January, in one day, East Hampton Village sold 1,500 nonresident beach parking permits to town residents, in person, at the Emergency Services Building on Cedar Street. It was a new initiative to give town residents a jump on out-of-towners, who are only given access when village beach permit sales go live to the general public a week later. It went so well, according to Village Hall, that the village board is doing it again on Tuesday, Jan. 23, from 9 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. The permits cost $500 and cover the dates when parking permits are required on village beaches (from May 15 until Sept. 15).
“This year, we may open the doors earlier if people show. Last year we got lucky with the weather, but if there are 400 people in line by 8:30 a.m., and it’s terrible out, there’s no reason not to start,” said Marcos Baladron, the village administrator, in a phone call. “Once we got the line moving last year, we crushed it by noon.” He said they sold 1,300 passes in the first three hours of the day.
The same number of passes, 1,500, will be sold in person this year. The remaining 1,600 for-sale passes will be offered for $750 starting Feb. 1, at 9 a.m.
“Last year was a good split,” said Mr. Baladron. “A lot of locals got what they wanted, but we were still able to sell out of the online passes. If we don’t hear complaints, we don’t change it. The only thing we’re really changing this year is that we’re doing it on a Tuesday. Last year we did it on a Friday.”
Another change is necessitated by the ongoing construction at 1 Cedar Street. Last year, the sale was held in the main meeting room, upstairs, but this year it will be held in the ground-floor equipment bays where the fire trucks are parked. “Just like they’ve done at elections. We’ll have all hands on deck, the trustees and everyone from Village Hall,” said Mr. Baladron.
A permit application is available at East Hampton Town residents who would like to participate have been instructed to take the completed application, a photocopy of their valid vehicle registration, proof of residency, and a check for $500 payable to “Village of East Hampton.” There is no physical permit to attach to the vehicle, however. These are digital permits that are linked to license plates. Village permits are required to park at Main Beach, Georgia Beach, Egypt Beach, Wiborg’s Beach, and Two Mile Hollow Beach.