Aidan Corish of the Sag Harbor Village Board has announced his intention to seek his fifth two-year term.
Mr. Corish, who has served since 2017, has lived in the village since 1995. During his time on the board he has been focused on the village’s sewage treatment plant, serving as the board’s liaison to it, and is overseeing the organization of a sewershed expansion project.
Mayor Thomas Gardella also mentioned the project when he announced his own bid for a second term as mayor earlier this year. He was previously a village board member for five years, four of those as deputy mayor.
Also running for re-election is Bob Plumb, who is seeking his fourth term on the board. One of his goals is the restructuring of the village’s historic preservation and architectural review board. He previously served on the village’s zoning board of appeals for four years.
At present there are no challengers to the incumbents. Petitions to run for village office will not be available until early April. The election will take place on June 17.