The Southampton Town Police Department and the Southampton Town Police Explorers will participate in the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Drug Take Back Day on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., collecting expired and unused medications for safe disposal.
Collection sites include the town police substation at the Bridgehampton Commons, the Hampton Bays Community Center at 25 Ponquogue Avenue, and the Flanders Community Center at 655 Flanders Road.
In East Hampton, White’s Apothecary on Main Street has a regular receptacle where medications can be left at any time, as does the East Hampton Town Police Department headquarters on Wainscott Northwest Road in Wainscott.
Southampton Town police discourage people from flushing medications, as they ultimately wind up in the aquifer and pollute drinking water. Proper disposal also keeps them out of the hands of someone who may be vulnerable.
The service is free and confidential. Liquid medications, syringes, sharps, and thermometers cannot be accepted.