On Saturday, registered voters in the East Hampton, Springs, and Wainscott school districts will have the chance to vote "yes" or "no" on the East Hampton Library's proposed 2024-25 spending plan of $3,892,437.
Taxpayer money provides the bulk of the library's budget, but private donations and fund-raising events typically keep tax increases modest. The projected tax increase to the average household comes out to $14.83 for the year. It is, however, above the cap on tax-levy increases this year, so the library budget needs at least 60-percent voter approval to pass.
According to the library website, budget changes for the coming year include a $121,460 increase in employee salaries and benefits, a $16,000 increase in funding for programs such as adult lectures and the annual children's fair, and a $2,000 decrease in administrative costs. In addition, this year's revenue is projected to increase by $169,080,
Voting will open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. Those with further questions can contact the library director, Dennis Fabiszak, at [email protected].