The Power of Stitchery: Nui Project and Sashiko
April 25, 4:30-6 p.m., LongHouse Reserve, $35/$25 members
In a virtual lecture through the LongHouse Reserve, Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada, a leading expert in Japanese textile techniques, will continue to illuminate craft and textile design through discussion of ancient and modern Japanese stitchery practices. In rural Japan, cold winters and harsh physical work required sashiko stitchery, which reinforced textiles and made them both functional and decorative.
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Make It Monday: Gardening with the East Hampton Historical Society
April 26, free
Marianne Della Croce, the East Hampton Historical Society's director of visitor experience, will demonstrate in a video, available to watch all day for kids ages 7 to 13, how to plant seeds and start a mini-garden at home while learning about the society's historic gardens.
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Flowers Into Paint: Georgia O'Keeffe at the East Hampton Library
April 27, 4 p.m., free
During this Zoom presentation, participants will learn about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe, whose up-close portraits of flowers need little introduction, and create floral paintings inspired by her work.
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TravelStorys at Bridge Gardens
May 1, 4 p.m., free
The TravelStorys app offers a self-guided tour of Bridge Gardens in Bridgehampton, accessible by phone while on location or by computer at home. Rick Bogusch, garden director, and Kathy Kennedy, senior manager of outreach, narrate and share the history of the garden and its different species.
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Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons Lecture: The Inspired Landscape
May 2, 2 p.m., $10 for nonmembers
Susan Cohen, the founder and director of the noted Landscape Design Portfolio Series at the New York Botanical Garden, will give a virtual lecture based on her book of the same name.
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Furniture Detective: Chairs Edition
May 6, 7 p.m., free
The East Hampton Historical Society has spent several weeks soliciting photographs of antique chairs from its members and the general public. During this Zoom event, the society's chief curator, Richard Barons, will delve into the fascinating architectural origins of those chairs.
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National Public Gardens Week
May 7 to May 16, free
In honor of National Public Gardens Week, the Bridge Gardens blog will be updated daily May 7 through May 16 with a new video from Mr. Bogusch as he leads a virtual walk and introduces some of his favorite spring plants along with fun facts and tips for their care and arrangement.
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Children's Mini Rose and Art Workshop
May 7, 4 to 6 p.m., Rogers Memorial Library, free
For the 15th year, Peter Bertrand, a rose expert, will help foster a love and appreciation for roses among kids on the grounds of the Rogers Memorial Library in Southampton. Participants will pot their own plants to take home with them.
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Of Plants and Presidents: The White House Gardens Through the Years
May 14, 6:30 p.m., free
Jessica Damiano, an award-winning journalist, author, and master gardener, will lead a virtual presentation for the East Hampton Library on the horticultural history of the White House gardens.
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Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons Lecture: From Shadow to Sun — The Making of Windcliff
June 13, 2 p.m., $10 for nonmembers
Dan Hinkley, a noted botanist, garden designer, and author known for his work on the Heronswood Botanical Garden in Washington State, will share his latest project there, called Windcliff.
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The Lispings of a Muse: John Howard Payne, East Hampton's First Thespian
June 26, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Guild Hall, $50
Hugh King, East Hampton's town crier, and his band of local players will stage readings at Guild Hall from John Howard Payne's most important works, including "Brutus or the Fall of Tarquin," a historical tragedy, and "Clari, The Maid of Milan," which debuted the song "Home, Sweet Home."
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East Hampton Antiques & Design Show
July 16-18, East Hampton Historical Society
A Friday night preview party kicks off a weekend of the East Hampton Historical Society's classic showcase of antiques and decorative items for home and garden.
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Annual Cocktail Party Fund-Raiser with Silent Auction
August 6, 5 p.m., Southampton Rose Society, $300
In the private estate garden of a Southampton Rose Society member, beautiful and exciting silent auction items will be available to bid on.
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Shakespeare in the Garden
Sept. 10, 4 p.m., Madoo Conservancy, $35
The University of Durham's Castle Theatre Company will present William Shakespeare's "All's Well That Ends Well" at the Madoo Conservancy in Sagaponack. In this fairy-tale comedy, true love finds a way, colorful characters pop up, and a heroine vies for her own happily ever after.
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