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Don’t Blame the Weatherman

When it comes to the weather, I sometimes think that the Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan summed it up just right: “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” It is famously featured in his song “Subterranean Homesick Blues.” While Dylan does not hold a degree in meteorology, it’s kind of hard to argue with the meaning of those simple lyrics he penned over 50 years ago.

Jun 4, 2019
Nature Notes: Glories of Northwest

It is Monday evening. The Memorial Day weekend is over. The weather was grand. At noon traffic was streaming west past my house on Noyac Road at a rate of 961 vehicles per hour, presumably most of them were returning home to spots west of the South Fork. I took a ride around after 4 to parts east, mostly in East Hampton.

May 28, 2019
It's Tournament Time

Fishing is sometimes a gamble. Some days you are the hero, and the next outing you can be found sulking and wondering where the fish went. There are never any guarantees when you drop a baited hook and line. Fish markets make their livelihood this way.

For those entering a tournament, whether it be for a tiny flounder or a giant bluefin tuna nearing 1,000 pounds, the competition can be intense no matter the quarry at hand. And with that, a number of tournaments adorn the upcoming calendar for those seeking not only a tasty dinner, but a little extra cash in the pocket.

May 28, 2019
For the New York Crowd

Striped bass have been running plentiful of late in the Peconics. A nice slug of fish, feasting on an abundance of menhaden, also known as bunker, has made catching a keeper-size fish a rather easy accomplishment.

May 23, 2019
Nature Notes: The Good With the Bad

All of a sudden it’s hot and humid, the time when all hell breaks loose in nature: eagles feeding their chicks, spring peepers crawling out of the water to climb trees, alewives spawning.

May 21, 2019
An Embarrassment of Riches

With the arrival of the month of May, for anglers of either the salt or freshwater ilk, it can be difficult to decide what to fish for on any particular day.

May 16, 2019
Nature Notes: Call of the Bobwhite

There were bobwhites around throughout my youth on the North Fork, but today, on the South Fork too, you almost never hear their telltale call.

May 14, 2019
Watching for Bacteria at Accabonac Harbor and Northwest Creek

Accabonac Harbor in Springs and Northwest Creek in East Hampton will receive a new degree of scrutiny after an expansion of a water testing program run by Concerned Citizens of Montauk.

May 9, 2019
Concerned Citizens Water Sampling Expanded

Accabonac Harbor in Springs and Northwest Creek in East Hampton will receive a new degree of scrutiny after an expansion of a water testing program run by Concerned Citizens of Montauk.

May 9, 2019
The Urge for Porgy

Porgy, also known as scup or sea bream, sometimes gets a bum rap. Most prominent are the complaints that it’s a bony fish to eat, but that’s just hogwash.

May 9, 2019
Nature Notes: Grosbeak Week

I have never had so many reports of grosbeaks in town in the 37 years or so I have been writing my column for The Star.

May 9, 2019
A Codless Winter

From a fishing perspective, it was as quiet a season as I could ever recall.

Apr 22, 2019