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The Dandelions Are Coming!

It’s April and the dandelions are back.“We hate dandelions,” sniffs the soccer mom in a Scotts lawn care commercial as her husband, agile and bonny, rolls for a Frisbee on an expanse of pristine grass.

Apr 14, 2011
Relay: Delicate Compromise

Somewhat like October, April finds the East End in transition. The madness of the summer — and the crowd it brings — is not yet here, but with the warmer weather and brighter days, one knows it looms, lurking somewhere around the next corner.

Apr 14, 2011
Point of View: Birds of Bethesda

Mary and I met an ornithologist while perched at the Hyatt Regency bar in Bethesda a night not long ago, and our conversation immediately took flight.

Apr 14, 2011
Connections: Bambi, Go Home

For a while as winter waned, I thought the deer family of Edwards Lane, East Hampton, where I live, had gone on vacation. It had been quite a while since I called a grandchild’s attention to one on the front lawn...

Apr 14, 2011