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East Hampton Town Cuts Staffing to Bare Minimum

East Hampton Town’s essential services are functioning, despite mandates to reduce staffing and implement the social distancing practices critical to controlling the now-explosive growth in COVID-19 infections in the tristate area. 

Mar 26, 2020
Governing in a Crisis

“We need to support those on the front lines of crisis, particularly the health care workers,” Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman said. “None of us have direct experience with this, even in my 27 years of government experience I’ve never faced anything like it.”

Mar 26, 2020
Orsted Survey Work in Wainscott on Hold

Survey work for the proposed South Fork Wind Farm’s transmission cable route in Wainscott, which was to begin on Monday, has been put on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mar 23, 2020
Gershon Halts Petitions and Public Events

Perry Gershon, who is seeking a Democratic Party primary win to challenge Representative Lee Zeldin in New York’s First Congressional District, has announced the suspension of his petition gathering and public events.

Mar 19, 2020
Graham to Challenge Borsack, Larsen for mayor

Arthur Graham, an East Hampton Village trustee since 2017, declared his candidacy for mayor in June’s election on Monday. He joins Barbara Borsack, the deputy mayor, and Jerry Larsen, a former East Hampton Village police chief, in the village’s first contested mayoral election since 1992.

Mar 19, 2020
East Hampton Airport Open, But Terminal Closed

The airport itself has not closed and flights can still come in and out.

Mar 17, 2020
East Hampton Town, Village Declare State of Emergency

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town of East Hampton on Friday declared a state of emergency, canceled most meetings, and announced initiatives to allow essential government functions to continue while minimizing face-to-face contact and residents’ need to visit Town Hall and other town facilities. 

Mar 13, 2020
East Hampton Town Updates Via Text

East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc said that advisories related to COVID-19 will be posted to the town’s website,, and reminded residents that they can sign up for alerts via text message.

Mar 12, 2020
Anti-Bias Bumper Sticker Contest

The public has been invited to vote on student-made bumper stickers submitted to a contest sponsored by the Town of East Hampton Anti-Bias Task Force. They are on display in the foyer of Town Hall.     

Mar 12, 2020
Brooks Park House Called Nationally Significant

The National Trust for Historic Preservation has asked the East Hampton Town Board to halt the planned demolition of the Springs house and studios of the Abstract Expressionist artists James Brooks and Charlotte Park.     

Mar 12, 2020
Town Waterways: A Few Pleasant Surprises

Despite a massive die-off of bay scallops in the Peconic Estuary last fall, many waters under East Hampton Town Trustee jurisdiction, though by no means all, were of a high quality in 2019.     

Mar 12, 2020
Lawsuit Targets Hatchery Move

A group of Springs property owners sued the Town of East Hampton last week over a plan to relocate the town’s shellfish hatchery from Fort Pond Bay in Montauk to 36 Gann Road.

Mar 12, 2020