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On Call: Dealing With the Delta Variant

Yet another variant of SARS-CoV-2 has arisen to cause concern, the Delta variant, which seems to spread faster and make people sicker. If you're like many people lately who have been wondering what precisely this means for the pandemic, you're not alone.

Jul 1, 2021
And Now the Work Begins for New Sag Harbor Mayor

When he takes office as Sag Harbor Village mayor on Tuesday, James Larocca intends to start making good on campaign promises to protect the waterfront from redevelopment, find a spot away from the waterfront for Bay Street Theater's new home, and come up with a new comprehensive plan.

Jul 1, 2021
East Hampton Florist in Bloom for 100 Years

An enduring presence on Newtown Lane, a street that has seen more change than not, the flower shop and greenhouse now known as Wittendale's is celebrating its 100th anniversary this summer. A sentinel of East Hampton Village, it has witnessed the passing of history and has created its own.

Jul 1, 2021
Hampton Library Plans Young Adult Room

To serve the community more effectively, Hampton Library is planning a series of renovations working with H2M Architects and Engineers to design intentional spaces for the community's teens, in particular. The library was able to host eight discussions last fall and over the winter at which people were invited to comment on the renovations.

Jul 1, 2021
New Owner, Fresh Start at Spring Close Farm

Spurred by the pandemic to follow his dream of becoming a farmer, Harry Pinkerton, the new owner of Spring Close Farm in East Hampton, is giving the 1.4-acre plot a fresh start.

Jul 1, 2021
Luckey and Maldonado Engaged

Tom and Joanne Luckey of Montauk and Wantagh have announced the engagement of their younger daughter, Devon Luckey, to Jaime Maldonado. Mr. Maldonado's parents are Ruth and Juan Maldonado of Millersburg, Pa.

The couple live and work in Manhattan. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Hunter College and is a teacher; he graduated from Lehigh University and is a finance manager for Ferragamo. They are planning a June 2022 wedding.

Jul 1, 2021
Tiny Piece of Wainscott Farm History Saved

"I have been driving past that building for decades. It has always been there," said Esperanza Leon, referring to a dilapidated little shack in Wainscott known as the Little House, which was built in the 1920s to house migrant workers. When she and a group of fellow Wainscott residents learned that the property had been sold and the house was to be torn down, they got to work to save it, and their efforts have borne fruit.

Jul 1, 2021
Item of the Week: 1937 Senior Trip to Washington, D.C.

This year, we're able to observe a few more traditional end-of-the-year celebrations and events like graduation ceremonies. For generations of East Hampton High School seniors, those traditions included a class trip. In this photograph, the East Hampton High School class of 1937 poses in front of the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C., on April 6, 1937. The travelers are dressed for colder weather, with a couple of young women wearing fur-trimmed coats over their suits and skirts. The young men all wear suits and ties, suggesting it was still rather chilly that April.

Jun 24, 2021
New Amagansett Pastor Is Artist, Author, and Educator

An artist, author, and educator, the Rev. Candace Whitman, a Long Island native, majored in art history at Yale University, later taught at New York University, and is the author of several children's books. But hearing a call to the church, she attended Princeton Theological Seminary, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree in 2011.

Jun 24, 2021
Pride, This Month and Beyond, on South Fork

Pride Month, celebrated in June each year since 1970 in response to the Stonewall uprising in New York City in June of 1969, celebrates the L.G.B.T.Q.+ community and brings attention to its needs. On the South Fork, that attention might come through an interfaith service, a safe space for teens, or a health care center that prioritizes the needs of L.G.B.T.Q.+ people.

Jun 24, 2021
Now a Federal Holiday, Juneteeth Is Celebrated in Southampton

The establishment of Juneteenth as a national holiday late last week was long overdue, if you ask William Pickens III of Sag Harbor. "I'm so delighted that it's come to fruition. This is the celebration and commemoration that America needs," said Mr. Pickens, whose grandfather was one of the founders of the N.A.A.C.P. in 1909.

Jun 24, 2021
Mandala Yoga to Open Anew for 20th Year in Amagansett

When the sangha gathers Friday at Mandala Yoga Center for Healing Arts at Amagansett Square, it will observe both the center's reopening at its renovated space and its 20th anniversary. The sangha -- a Sanskrit word meaning association or community -- is in a celebratory mood, the reopening coinciding with the lifting of most Covid-19 regulations and the long pandemic's apparent decline.

Jun 24, 2021