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A Dramatic Rescue by Moonlight in Montauk

On Saturday night well after hours, when most lifeguards are home and dry, Thomas Casse was at a dinner party at the Montauk Shores Condominiums just east of Ditch Plain when another attendee, Sophie Walton, first heard a faint cry for help.

Aug 17, 2022
It’s Another Disappointing Year for Scallops

It's news that neither a commercial bayman nor those who enjoy bay scallops wanted to hear: For the fourth summer in a row, there has been a significant die-off of mature bay scallops in local waters.

Aug 17, 2022
Fond Memories as Azurest Turns 75

“It was Black gold and soul all in one place,” said Suzan Johnson-Cook, one of several honorees at a Saturday gala at the Bridgehampton Community House to celebrate 75 years of Azurest, a historically Black resort community in Sag Harbor. Her sentiments were echoed by many and highlighted the rich and resonant history of Azurest, one of three communities that comprise the so-called “SANS” enclave that also includes Sag Harbor Hills and Ninevah Beach.

Aug 17, 2022
Item of the Week: Dr. Herrick and the Bathers

This early photograph shows a group of people in the surf, identified as “Maidstone Club Bathers,” with the esteemed Dr. Everett Herrick in the middle of it all.

Aug 17, 2022
A Crosswalk at Amber Waves?

A seemingly routine request for a new crosswalk at the Amber Waves market, the hugely popular farm market just west of the Amagansett Firehouse, set off a series of increasingly testy exchanges at the August meeting of the hamlet’s citizens advisory committee.

Aug 17, 2022
Gundersen and Haney Are Wed

Peter Gundersen, a son of Martha and Peter Gundersen of Amagansett, married Samantha Haney, a California native and daughter of Jane and Keith Haney of Gulf Breeze, Fla., on April 16 in Pensacola, Fla. 

Aug 11, 2022
Lifeguards Say Vigilance a Must, Even on Calm Days

Just because there is flat water doesn’t mean lifeguards can relax. It was a green-flag day up at Maidstone Park last Thursday when lifeguards needed to call in a Jet Ski for assistance for a father and son who were swimming in the calm waters but got too close to the jetty on an incoming tide, according to John Ryan Jr., chief of the East Hampton Town’s lifeguards.

Aug 11, 2022
Painting Returns to Long Island

“Trees at Sunset,” a 1931 painting by Renwick Taylor, has returned to Long Island after many years and will be temporarily exhibited at the Amagansett Library. The painting is a decorative landscape created during Taylor’s residence at Laurelton Hall, Louis Comfort Tiffany’s estate near Oyster Bay.

Aug 11, 2022
The Way It Was for August 11, 2022

A complaint over an inundation of bicycles in 1897, a 1922 film shoot that had the dunes of Napeague substitute for a Middle East desert, and more from the old-time pages of The Star.

Aug 11, 2022
Item of the Week: Camping at Montauk, Circa 1905

This engaging, relatable photograph shows a group of young adults posed in front of a tent, presumably camping at Montauk.

Aug 11, 2022
Bacteria Rises at East Creek

A recent water-quality report from Concerned Citizens of Montauk identified dangerously high levels of the enterococcus bacteria at the East Creek area of Lake Montauk — but the cause remains a mystery.

Aug 11, 2022
East Hampton Beaches Closed After Shark Sighting

East Hampton Town closed Amagansett ocean beaches to swimming around 2 p.m. Wednesday after a surfcaster caught a six-foot spinner shark, and East Hampton Village followed suit, closing all five of its beaches to swimming. 

Aug 10, 2022