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Hosting a Demagogue

It seems somehow crazy that Donald Trump is to arrive on the East End tomorrow for a fund-raiser, after two mass shootings within hours of each other, as if nothing were wrong.

Aug 8, 2019
Shellfish Hatchery Brings Intense, Diverse Opinions

Two sides are circling each other in regard to a new, consolidated town shellfish hatchery off Gann Road at Three Mile Harbor. Untangling this will help guide what has been an excessively contentious debate toward an amicable resolution.

Aug 8, 2019
Iconic Symbol in More Ways Than One

The Montauk Lighthouse will undergo repair beginning this summer and major restoration of its protective seawall is to begin in the fall. These are costly endeavors — more than $1 million for the tower and $24 million for the stonework — but in the minds of many, well worth it.

Aug 1, 2019
At Ditch: Something Doesn't Add Up

Town and county officials are going to have a difficult time convincing anyone that the cause of a rash of earaches and other infections among people who surf and swim at Ditch Plain has been caused by anything other than wastewater effluent from the adjacent mobile home park.

Aug 1, 2019
Crying in the Wind

What is it, really, about wind that pushes otherwise reasonable people over the edge? Certainly, there is no equivalent outcry when gas lines or water mains are installed or replaced. And if those vigorous in their opposition to the Orsted Deepwater South Fork Wind Farm far out in the ocean truly wanted to do something about the cost of electricity, they could advocate for the various “demand-reduction” programs that have had some success and have room to grow. No, for all the position papers and public statements, the intense opposition cannot truly be explained.

Jul 25, 2019
A Matter of Politics

The Trump re-election campaign recently began selling 10-pack plastic drinking straws after the president seized on the paper versions as a sign of liberal overreach. This followed media outrage from the right earlier this year after plastic ones were banned for takeout drinks in Washington, D.C.

Jul 25, 2019
Optimum Outrage

The lack of an efficient customer service response to the Optimum internet outage Monday night was remarkable in itself and for what it said about the overtaxed infrastructure on the East End in general.

Jul 25, 2019
Gill Nets Threaten Troubled Fisheries

The humpback whale that became temporarily stuck in a commercial fishing net on Monday moved away before officials could determine if it may have remained tangled in a portion of the mesh and be at possible risk of greater harm, even death.

Jul 18, 2019
Bicycling Requires Safe Places

From our vantage point overlooking Main Street, electric bicycles seem to have arrived, along with an increase in the number of traditional, pedal-powered bikes. We’ve seen a couple of electric scooters, too, which look like fun, but we are not sure that any of these belong on the sidewalk.

Jul 18, 2019
The Citizenship Question

Vote suppression and voting roll purges have been a hallmark of the Trump era. The census fight needs to be understood in that context.  

Jul 10, 2019
Important to Support Murder Responders

While the court cases develop, let’s not forget about the emergency personnel who responded to both scenes. The effects of tragedies like these ripple beyond the victims and their families.

Jul 10, 2019
Compromise and Freedom

In the midst of a growing struggle to free themselves from the most powerful nation on earth, the American colonial rebels recognized something about tyranny that reverberates in our time. It was not that there would be leaders who sought to concentrate power in themselves, but that there would always be people who sought the heavy hand of authoritarianism.

Jul 2, 2019