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Political Briefs 03.12.20

Suffolk County Legislator Bridget Fleming and her potential opponent come November, Representative Lee Zeldin, have garnered new endorsements.

Mar 12, 2020
Energy Committee Is Remade

As one of the warmest winters in memory nears an end, the Town of East Hampton’s energy sustainability committee looks toward a looming deadline: the town’s goal to meet 100-percent renewable energy consumption, communitywide in all sectors, by 2030.     

Mar 12, 2020
Next Come the Soil Samples for Wind Cable Route

The East Hampton Town Board voted last Thursday to authorize an agreement with Orsted and Eversource Energy, partners in the proposed South Fork Wind Farm off Montauk, to conduct survey work for the 15-turbine installation's cable route in Wainscott.

Mar 12, 2020
Shinnecock Graves Protected

The Southampton Town Board, using money from the community preservation fund, voted last week to purchase two parcels in Shinnecock Hills, in an area believed to be ancient burial grounds of the Shinnecock Indian Nation. Members and supporters of the Nation had lodged strong protests over housing construction at a nearby site.     

Mar 5, 2020
State to Delay Enforcement of Plastic Bag Ban

Though a statewide ban on plastic bags officially took effect Sunday, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation said Friday that it would not begin enforcement of the action until April 1.

Mar 5, 2020
Feds Will Leave Sand Land Oversight to State

The federal Environmental Protection Agency announced in January that it would not perform the independent Superfund evaluation that many Noyac residents had hoped for. 

Mar 5, 2020
Springs Bell Tower Could Be Cell Tower

A proposal from AT&T to build a 50-foot-high freestanding “campanile” to house cellphone antennas, at St. Peter’s Chapel on Old Stone Highway in Springs, took a big step forward on Feb. 26, when the East Hampton Town Planning Board determined the project would not have a negative impact on the environment.     

Mar 5, 2020
To Vote on Orsted Survey

The East Hampton Town Board is expected to vote tonight on a resolution authorizing Orsted and Eversource, partners in the proposed South Fork Wind Farm, to conduct survey work for the 15-turbine installation’s transmission cable route in Wainscott.     

The companies have identified a subterranean path from a cable landing at the ocean beach at the end of Beach Lane in Wainscott to a Long Island Power Authority substation in East Hampton as the preferred route.     

Mar 5, 2020
Out With Nature’s ‘Overwash’ at Georgica Pond

Yearly maintenance dredging at Georgica Pond — up to 15,000 cubic yards of sand — is nearing completion.

Mar 5, 2020
Sediment Study at Georgica

In its ongoing effort to remediate the degraded condition of Georgica Pond, which has experienced toxic algal blooms every summer since 2012, a group of pondfront property owners sought and received permission from the East Hampton Town Trustees to take part in a sediment chronology study.     

Feb 27, 2020
Dredging Up a Load of Controversy

A federal Army Corps of Engineers official did not address why dredges and crews were being redirected from the Fire Island to Moriches Inlet Stabilization Project to a nonemergency project less than one mile from President Trump’s resort in Florida in response to an inquiry by The Star this week, saying only that the project would nonetheless be completed by the June 19 contracted completion deadline.     

Feb 27, 2020
And Down Come ‘The Springs’ Signs

The controversy over the proper name of one of the Town of East Hampton’s hamlets flared anew last Thursday and again this week, after signs bearing the message “Welcome to The Springs” were removed from Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road.

Feb 27, 2020