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Long Overdue

Landowners in Springs cannot support the Springs Board of Education’s increased annual budget. Eighty-four employees is too many. Then to give a $20,000 raise to the Springs School superintendent this year, with high unemployment in New York State, seems almost insane! It smells of favoritism.

Apr 7, 2011
Needs of Others

On behalf of our clients, all of us at East Hampton Meals on Wheels do heartily thank Boy Scout Troop 298, all of the scout leaders, and the American Legion Post 419, who made possible the delicious spaghetti dinner on Sunday. Our volunteers delivered more than 50 dinners to our homebound clients...

Apr 7, 2011
Shall We?

Nuclear power produces only 15 percent of the globe’s electricity. Is it really worth it? Reactors produce the most toxic waste products known to mankind. Is it really worth it?

Apr 7, 2011
Tax Bill None

On the front page of The New York Times a headline read, “At G.E. on Tax Day, Billions of Reasons to Smile.”

Apr 7, 2011
Their Hands Out

Full of bull should be the conservative Republican motto for the next two years. Those who believe that their doo-doo doesn’t stink are immune to any realities that waffle in the putrid air that passes through their respirators. Dealing with deficit cretins who rave and rant about socialism has engendered a new game...

Apr 7, 2011
Side of the Pond

Sadly, we are once again witnessing another episode of cultist zealotry, politically harnessed to thwart a property owner’s rights to develop his own property in a manner he would like.

Apr 7, 2011
Sham Meeting

Well here we go again, the town board is considering holding another farce meeting on the leaf-pickup program. They didn’t listen to the residents the first time so why waste our time again?

Apr 7, 2011
Hometown Support

The Pugh family would like to briefly thank all of those who recently supported us following the death of my mother, Helen.

Apr 7, 2011
In Shock

attended the Springs School budget meetings. I pay taxes in Springs, and I am in shock.

Apr 7, 2011
No One Home

The other day while driving on Route 114 I came across a trembling dog, a Weimeraner in the middle of this busy road. The dog was walking in circles and shaking. Several cars swerved to avoid him. I took a leash I had and proceeded toward the dog.

Apr 7, 2011
Out of Money

While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac execs rob the taxpayers of millions of our dollars with their multimillion-dollar salaries, the federal government hides another $2 billion in Obamacare for bailouts...

Apr 7, 2011
National Defense

As a longtime part-time resident of East Hampton and western Nassau County, I was amazed as to how many anti-Bush demonstrations we would encounter going from place to place in the 10 months preceding the 2008 presidential election. Some, especially the one in front of the Southampton 7-Eleven...

Apr 7, 2011