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Item of the Week: Thomas Collins, Code Breaker

In honor of the June 23rd birthday of Alan Turing, the “father of modern computer science,” this week we feature a portrait of Thomas L. Collins (1921-2011), East Hampton’s own code-breaking computer specialist.

Jun 23, 2022
They Found Love Later in Life

Love has no age limit. Neither does, which is how Robert Marshall, 93, and Anne Marshall, 88, found each other.

Jun 23, 2022
Montauk Airport Is Sold

Montauk Airport, the small, privately owned airport that has taken on an outsized role in the controversy over the planned privatization of the larger East Hampton Town Airport, has been sold, an owner confirmed on Tuesday. 

Jun 22, 2022
Proud Family Celebrates Tuskegee Airman's Legacy

When a plaque honoring Lt. Lee A. Hayes, a World War II Tuskegee airman, was unveiled on Saturday at the youth park now named for him in Amagansett, the event was both a celebration of an East Hampton hero and the centerpiece of a Hayes family reunion of epic proportions.

Jun 19, 2022
Pierson Students Face Consequences After Prank

More than 40 Pierson High School seniors are facing disciplinary action after pulling off a "prank" on Monday night, Sag Harbor School District's chief school administrator confirmed this week.

Jun 17, 2022
The Way It Was for June 16, 2022

Juan T. Trippe of Pan-American Airways takes a 1947 trip on the airline’s giant plane The America, I.F. Stone stumps for George McGovern in 1972, and other tidbits from deep in the Star’s past.

Jun 16, 2022
A Southampton Celebration of Juneteenth

The Southampton African American Museum will celebrate Juneteenth with a talk by the writer A'Lelia Bundles about the holiday, her remarkable female ancestors, and the Harlem Renaissance.

Jun 16, 2022
Juneteenth Celebrations and Remembrances

This year, June 19 will be the first time Juneteenth is observed in East Hampton. Now a federal holiday, Juneteenth marks the date in 1865 when the last enslaved people in Texas, the last state of the Confederacy with institutional slavery, were freed. There will be events across the South Fork starting Thursday.

Jun 15, 2022
On Water Quality in Lake Montauk

Concerned Citizens of Montauk and officials of East Hampton Town’s Natural Resources Department held an “open house” at South Lake Drive in that hamlet on Friday, where they detailed efforts to restore Lake Montauk’s water quality.

Jun 15, 2022
Item of the Week: The 1959 Sand ’n’ Surf Yearbook

In celebration of East Hampton High School’s graduation, this week’s “Item of the Week” features the 1959 East Hampton High School yearbook, Sand ‘n’ Surf. On June 21, 1959, 60 seniors received their diplomas during graduation ceremonies on the front lawn of the high school.

Jun 15, 2022
On the Wing: The Endlessly Interesting Purple Martin

As long ago as 1936, when T. Gilbert Pearson published “Birds of America,” purple martins were almost exclusively dependent on man-made housing. Here on the East End, they arrive in early April to the houses waiting for them and by Labor Day they're gone.

Jun 15, 2022
Storm May Be to Blame for Dead Seabirds

In the last week, dozens of pelagic seabirds that that seldom come to land have washed up on East End beaches either dead or in very poor condition.

Jun 15, 2022